Indie films stand for independent films, ie. films that are made by independent fimmakers without any connection to prominent studio
while promoting indie film there are various factors to keep in mind
an IMDB page will allow anyone who's searching for the film online to know about the film, this will ensure that your promotion doesn't go vain.
also, IMDB page will help you to get a knowledge panel graph if your film is searched by significant amount of people online.
FilmFreeway is like a portfolio for filmmakers, you can create projects there and keep all the information there.
additionally, it has an amazing feature of submitting to various film festivals , directly from the website.
film festivals are organised for indie filmmakers so that they can display there art to a wide variety of intersted audience, it is beneficial to both filmmakers and audience.
FilmFreeway will allow you to take part in many film festivals, some free and some paid.
If you observe some popular indie films, you will find that most of them have created a brand out of their films, this is a crucial part of indie film promotion.
a well-formed movie poster is like a pitch, people will judge your movie out of it.
thus a good movie poster must be a priority.
similar to a poster, a movie trailer encourages people to watch your movie, the more consideration you make to design it, greater will be your audience.
successful indie films have high quality trailers which create a urge to watch the movie.
as useful as it may seem, movie reviews are a huge part of indie film promotion.
if you observe, big budget films spend large part of their promotion budget on movie reviwers, big and small, this will ensure that your movie appears if people search for it.