how to become a 9gagger

9gag is a place for stuff, and they are pretty serious about that, 9gaggers are known to be really funny in comments while really lonely in real life. This is a beginner's guide on how to become a 9gagger.

how to become a 9gagger

be single

be single

If you are a guy this must be the first step, 9gaggers are known to be single, we crave for girls, If you see a girl picture you have to zoom her tiddies and post it in comments.

be funny in comments

be funny in comments

the only thing that distinguishes 9gag from other meme platforms is that the comment section is not hidden, they are a place to show your funny nature, there are upvotes and downvotes on comments, so you will get an idea on how funny you are

hate tiktok

hate tiktok

tiktok is the most hated thing on 9gag, not because it's chinese, but, because it's cringe, no matter how good the video is, if it's tiktok, downvoting is mandatory.

never appreciate OP

never appreciate OP

There is a culture in 9gag that OP should never be appreciated, there is no source as to who started this culture but it has been there and everyone has to follow it.

use memes properly

use memes properly

It is very important to use memes properly, each meme has a specific situation where it leaves best impact, memes are real life situations in funny format, finding the best format is an art that you have master to become a good 9gagger

don't be a boomer

don't be a boomer

boomer jokes are a big no on 9gag, because they are lame, predictable, overused and not usually funny, some creative jokes that appear to be boomer are there but you should not use them as examples

don't repost

don't repost

reposting on 9gag for a few upvotes may seem fine but it's not appreciated, there is actually a report option if meme is reposted, they want to keep the platform clean, reposts are unnecessary and shouldn't be done.

emma is the queen of 9gag

emma is the queen of 9gag

this is the only fact that every 9gagger will agree upon that she is the one and only queen of 9gag, though Emilia is loved too but Emma remains the queen, she is worshipped and will be.